Papankusha Ekadashi 2015: Fast That Liberates Us From Sins & Fear!
The date for Papankusha Ekadashi in 2015 is October 23. Are you afraid of death? Or, have you done some wrong deeds or sins? Observe the Papankusha Ekadashi Vrat in 2015 with full devotion towards Lord Vishnu. And see the effect with your own eyes. Find out...
Papankusha Ekadashi 2015

Papankusha Ekadashi holds the power to eradicate one’s sins. It is believed that if a person observes a fast and remains silent throughout the day, his sins will be eliminated. This Papankusha Ekadashi is also known as Ashwina Shukla Ekadashi, as it is observed in this month.
On the day of Papankusha Ekadashi, Lord Padmanabha is worshiped, who is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Now, that you know the meaning and power of Papankusha Ekadash in 2015, let’s see the appropriate date and time to seek the blessings of Lord Padmanabha during Papankusha Ekadashi in 2015.
Papankusha Ekadashi 2015: Date & Timing
Event | Day | Date | Tithi |
Papankusha Ekadashi 2015 | Friday | October 23 | Ekadashi |
We hope that the date and timing to observe Papankusha Ekadashi in 2015 will be helpful for you.
Now, let’s take a look at the rituals that are to be followed on Papankusha Ekadashi in 2015.
Papankusha Ekadashi 2015: Rituals
Following are the rituals that are to be followed on the day of Papankusha Ekadashi in 2015:
- Devotees wake up early in the morning and take a holy bath. Post which, a full day fast is observed and the observers remain silent.
- During the day, Lord Vishnu and his incarnation Lord Padmanabha is worshiped.
- Flower, Diyas, rice, incense sticks and betel leaves are offered to Lord Padmanabha.
- During the morning and evening, Lord Vishnu’s Aarti is performed and special Brahmin Bhoj is made post the morning Aarti.
- On Papankusha Ekadashi, devotees recite Vishnu Sahasranama and chant various names of Lord Vishnu.
As it stated that by observing the Papankusha Ekadashi Vrat, one becomes free from his/her past sins. So don’t forget to observe the Papankusha Ekadashi Vrat in 2015 and follow the above rituals in order to receive the blessings of Lord Vishnu.
Now, let’s take a look at what is the real significance of Papankusha Ekadashi Vrat.
Papankusha Ekadashi 2015: Significance Of The Day
- The Ekadashi Vrat provides equivalent result to performing Rajasuya and Ashwamegh Yagya.
- By chanting the Mantra of Lord Vishnu on the day of Papankusha Ekadashi, one receives equal results as that of taking a holy dip in river Ganga.
- On the day of Papankusha Ekadashi, if a devotee donates, or is involved in some charitable work, he/ she may attain liberation from worldly desires.
- Pashankusha Ekadashi Vrat results in good health, wealth, and prosperity.
- Pashankusha Ekadashi Vrat is observed in the name of departed souls resulting in salvation and peace for them.
- Pashankusha Ekadashi Vrat is a significant day to start any new task or any new construction work.
Now that you know the rituals and significance of Papankusha Ekadashi, let’s find out what is the real story behind this Vrat
Papankusha Ekadashi 2015: Legends
Pashankusha Ekadashi Vrat story is about a hunter by the name Krodhana. He used to live in the city of Vindhyachal. All his deeds were extremely negative. He used to kill animals, tortured the people around and his family members too. His misdeeds continued till the time he got know that he was about to die.
Lord Yama (Lord of death) asked his emericery to bring Krodhana to hell. On knowing this, Krodhana was extremely sorrowful and dejected. Hence, he approached Sage Angira - one of the Saptarishis. Sage Angira advised Krodhana to observe a fast of Papankusha Ekadashi which was approaching on the next day. He told him to vow silence and pray to Lord Padmanabha along with chanting the other names of Lord Vishnu.
Krodhana on the advice of Sage Angira, observed the Papankusha Ekadashi Vrat with full devotion, faith and all the rituals. The observance of Papankusha Ekadashi Vrat resulted in salvation of Krodhana at the feet of Lord Sriman Narayana.
Since that day, Papankusha Ekadashi Vrat liberates a soul by removing all the sins in the past.
Hopefully, with the help of this article, you will be able to observe Papankusha Ekadash in 2015 with a devoted approach.
So, observe the Papankusha Ekadashi Vrat in 2015 and attain the path of salvation.
Papankusha Ekadashi Vrat Katha
अर्जुन ने कहा- "हे जगदीश्वर! आश्विन माह के शुक्ल पक्ष की एकादशी का क्या नाम है तथा इस व्रत के करने से कौन से फलों की प्राप्ति होती है? कृपया यह सब विधानपूर्वक कहिए।"
भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने कहा- "हे कुंतीनंदन! आश्विन माह के शुक्ल पक्ष की एकादशी का नाम पापांकुशा है। इसका व्रत करने से सभी पाप नष्ट हो जाते हैं तथा व्रत करने वाला अक्षय पुण्य का भागी होता है।
इस एकादशी के दिन इच्छित फल की प्राप्ति के लिए भगवान विष्णु का पूजन करना चाहिए। इस पूजन के द्वारा मनुष्य को स्वर्ग लोक की प्राप्ति होती है। हे अर्जुन! जो मनुष्य कठिन तपस्याओं के द्वारा फल की प्राप्ति करते हैं, वह फल इस एकादशी के दिन क्षीर-सागर में शेषनाग पर शयन करने वाले भगवान विष्णु को नमस्कार कर देने से मिल जाता है और मनुष्य को यम के दुख नहीं भोगने पड़ते। हे पार्थ! जो विष्णुभक्त शिवजी की निंदा करते हैं अथवा जो शिवभक्त विष्णु भगवान की निंदा करते हैं, वे नरक को जाते हैं।
हजार अश्वमेध और सौ राजसूय यज्ञ का फल इस एकादशी के फल के सोलहवें भाग के बराबर भी नहीं होता अर्थात इस एकादशी व्रत के समान संसार में अन्य कोई व्रत नहीं है।
इस एकादशी के समान विश्व में पवित्र तिथि नहीं है। जो मनुष्य एकादशी व्रत नहीं करते हैं, वे सदा पापों से घिरे रहते हैं। जो मनुष्य किसी कारणवश केवल इस एकादशी का भी उपवास करता है तो उसे यम के दर्शन नहीं होते।
इस एकादशी के व्रत को करने से मनुष्य को निरोगी काया तथा सुंदर नारी और धन-धान्य की प्राप्ति होती है और अंत में वह स्वर्ग को जाता है। जो मनुष्य इस एकादशी के व्रत में रात्रि जागरण करते हैं, उन्हें सहज ही स्वर्ग की प्राप्ति होती है।
इस एकादशी के व्रत करने वाले मनुष्यों के मातृपक्ष के दस पुरुष, पितृपक्ष के दस पुरुष तथा स्त्री पक्ष के दस पुरुष, भगवान विष्णु का रूप धरकर व सुंदर आभूषणों से परिपूर्ण होकर विष्णु लोक को जाते हैं।
जो मनुष्य आश्विन माह के शुक्ल पक्ष की पापांकुशा एकादशी का विधानपूर्वक उपवास करते हैं, उन्हें विष्णु लोक की प्राप्ति होती है।
जो मनुष्य एकादशी के दिन भूमि, गौ, अन्न, जल खड़ाऊं, वस्त्र, छत्र आदि का दान करते हैं, उन्हें यम के दर्शन नहीं होते।
दरिद्र मनुष्य को भी यथाशक्ति कुछ दान देकर कुछ पुण्य अवश्य ही अर्जित करना चाहिए।
जो मनुष्य तालाब, बगीचा, धर्मशाला, प्याऊ आदि बनवाते हैं, उन्हें नरक के कष्ट नहीं भोगने पड़ते। वह मनुष्य इस लोक में निरोगी, दीर्घायु वाले, पुत्र तथा धन-धान्य से परिपूर्ण होकर सुख भोगते हैं तथा अंत में स्वर्ग लोक को जाते हैं। भगवान श्रीहरि की कृपा से उनकी दुर्गति नहीं होती।"
भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने कहा- "हे कुंतीनंदन! आश्विन माह के शुक्ल पक्ष की एकादशी का नाम पापांकुशा है। इसका व्रत करने से सभी पाप नष्ट हो जाते हैं तथा व्रत करने वाला अक्षय पुण्य का भागी होता है।
इस एकादशी के दिन इच्छित फल की प्राप्ति के लिए भगवान विष्णु का पूजन करना चाहिए। इस पूजन के द्वारा मनुष्य को स्वर्ग लोक की प्राप्ति होती है। हे अर्जुन! जो मनुष्य कठिन तपस्याओं के द्वारा फल की प्राप्ति करते हैं, वह फल इस एकादशी के दिन क्षीर-सागर में शेषनाग पर शयन करने वाले भगवान विष्णु को नमस्कार कर देने से मिल जाता है और मनुष्य को यम के दुख नहीं भोगने पड़ते। हे पार्थ! जो विष्णुभक्त शिवजी की निंदा करते हैं अथवा जो शिवभक्त विष्णु भगवान की निंदा करते हैं, वे नरक को जाते हैं।
हजार अश्वमेध और सौ राजसूय यज्ञ का फल इस एकादशी के फल के सोलहवें भाग के बराबर भी नहीं होता अर्थात इस एकादशी व्रत के समान संसार में अन्य कोई व्रत नहीं है।
इस एकादशी के समान विश्व में पवित्र तिथि नहीं है। जो मनुष्य एकादशी व्रत नहीं करते हैं, वे सदा पापों से घिरे रहते हैं। जो मनुष्य किसी कारणवश केवल इस एकादशी का भी उपवास करता है तो उसे यम के दर्शन नहीं होते।
इस एकादशी के व्रत को करने से मनुष्य को निरोगी काया तथा सुंदर नारी और धन-धान्य की प्राप्ति होती है और अंत में वह स्वर्ग को जाता है। जो मनुष्य इस एकादशी के व्रत में रात्रि जागरण करते हैं, उन्हें सहज ही स्वर्ग की प्राप्ति होती है।
इस एकादशी के व्रत करने वाले मनुष्यों के मातृपक्ष के दस पुरुष, पितृपक्ष के दस पुरुष तथा स्त्री पक्ष के दस पुरुष, भगवान विष्णु का रूप धरकर व सुंदर आभूषणों से परिपूर्ण होकर विष्णु लोक को जाते हैं।
जो मनुष्य आश्विन माह के शुक्ल पक्ष की पापांकुशा एकादशी का विधानपूर्वक उपवास करते हैं, उन्हें विष्णु लोक की प्राप्ति होती है।
जो मनुष्य एकादशी के दिन भूमि, गौ, अन्न, जल खड़ाऊं, वस्त्र, छत्र आदि का दान करते हैं, उन्हें यम के दर्शन नहीं होते।
दरिद्र मनुष्य को भी यथाशक्ति कुछ दान देकर कुछ पुण्य अवश्य ही अर्जित करना चाहिए।
जो मनुष्य तालाब, बगीचा, धर्मशाला, प्याऊ आदि बनवाते हैं, उन्हें नरक के कष्ट नहीं भोगने पड़ते। वह मनुष्य इस लोक में निरोगी, दीर्घायु वाले, पुत्र तथा धन-धान्य से परिपूर्ण होकर सुख भोगते हैं तथा अंत में स्वर्ग लोक को जाते हैं। भगवान श्रीहरि की कृपा से उनकी दुर्गति नहीं होती।"
मनुष्य को पापों से बचने का दृढ़-संकल्प करना चाहिए। यूं तो भगवान विष्णु का ध्यान-स्मरण किसी भी रूप में सुखदायक और पापनाशक है, परंतु एकादशी के दिन प्रभु का स्मरण-कीर्तन सभी क्लेशों व पापों का शमन कर देता है।« Last Indira Ekadashi Vrat Katha | Next Rama Ekadashi Vrat Katha » |
Hinduism is often described as a religion of fasts, feasts and festivals. Fasting a Hindu tradition to please God, by controlling and curbing one’s desires. Fasts most commonly known as Upvaas or Vrat are the days when devotees refrain themselves from food or water. Fasts of different Gods or Goddesses are observed on particular days. These stories have given solace to millions of people from time immemorial. It would be worthwhile to explain as to how a particular day of the week was allotted to particular star or planet.
All of vartas and upvasa the Ekadashi vrat is very important & beneficial for all householders. The purpose of fasting is to experience peace & bliss. Eating less enables the mind & body to function more effectively. Ekadashi or Ekadasi, is the eleventh lunar day of the shukla (bright) or krishna (dark) paksha (fortnight) of every lunar month in the Hindu calendar (Panchang). In Hinduism and Jainism it is considered a spiritually beneficial day. Scriptures recommend observing an ideally waterless fast from sunset on the day before Ekadashi to 48 minutes after sunrise on the day following Ekadashi.
Rules for Fasting
One should not eat any cereals like rice, pulses, wheat etc. and salt. If possible, one should stay on water. Drinking luke warm water or lemon-sugar water is very good as it cleanses the hidden undigested food in the body. If one feels hungry, then one can take milk or fruit. Fruit should not be eaten with milk like therefore no strawberry shake, mango shake, chickoo shake etc. Also Banana is not recommended on this day since it is heavy to digest. One should think that he/she is keeping this vrat to please God and to progress further in their devotion to God. One should observe self-control. One should do more of maun-japa (repeating the name of God in mind) in the day time. One should do more of Dhyan & Bhajan by keeping awake for a longer time in the night.
Legend about Ekadashi
Acording to Hindu scriptures long ago, when the whole universe was filled with a great ocean, Vishnu was sleeping on his bed of Adisesha, floating in the middle of the ocean. From his ear wax, two Asuras named Madhu and Kaitabha were formed. They fed on the ocean-water, and grew strong.
By meditating on beeja mantra they got boon from Adi ParaShakti that they will only at their on wish. After that they became arrogant with a sense of their own importance. They came upon Lord Brahma, who was doing his task of creation, sitting on a seat made from a lotus. They attacked Lord Brahma for his seat. Lord Brahma knew that he was no match for these warriors, so He fled to the abode of the Lord and started praying to Lord Vishnu. Despite His prayers, Lord Vishnu was still asleep. Then Lord Brahma pray to Supreme Goddess who was in form of Sleep in the eyes of Vishnu as Yoganidra. By the grace of Devi Maa, Lord Vishnu awoke. Lord Brahma told him about te terror of both asuras & to save Him from them.
Lord Vishnu started fighting them & this great battle stretched for five thousand years. Vishnu was surprised at his inability to destroy these demons. He then divined that these two Asuras have obtained the boon of invincibility from Devi. While he was still battling them, he started to pray to Devi, to show a way to slay these Asuras.
Devi appeared in the heavens above the battleground. Fighting with two hands, Vishnu joined his other two hands in worship for the eternal Goddess. He pray her to show a way to overcome these Asuras, who have become strong as a consequence of Devi’s boon.
After hearing Lord Vishnu’s prayer, Devi cast a look mixed with false-affection in for of Dark-Skinned Bhadra Kali, on the two demons, causing their baser instincts to awaken. The Asuras fell under the spell of Devi.
At that point Lord Vishnu offered then a boon, but completely befuddled by Devi’s gaze, the Asuras laughed outright at this proposal. In a tone of derision, they said they will grant a boon to Vishnu because he is going to be defeated by both of them. This was the opening that Vishnu was waiting for & he tricked them that He want both of them Killed by His hand. Vishnu took up his Vishwa-roopa & then placed the two Asuras on his massive thighs and beheaded them with his Sudarsana-Chakra. From the body fat of the dead demons, land was formed. Since it was formed from an unclean source, soil is not fit for consumption.
After they both killed Devi asked Lord Vishnu that She is came in form as His Vaishnavi Shakti on Ekadashi Tithi. What will be the importance of this day. At this Lord Vishnu blessed this day as His own day of worship. He told Devi that She is worshiped as Ekadashi Devi and the people who perform fasts on this day will get a great devotion & blessing form Devi & Himself also. Devi Ekadshi also Know as Bhadra-Kali or Vaishnavi.
All Ekadashi Months Details:
Lunar Months – पंचांग मास | Krishna Paksha Ekadashi Names | Shukla Paksha Ekadashi Names |
Chaitra (चैत्र) -> March–April | Papamochani Ekadashi | Kamada Ekadashi |
Vaisakha (वैशाख) -> April–May | Varuthini Ekadashi | Mohini Ekadashi |
Jyeshta (ज्येष्ठ) -> May–June | Apara Ekadashi | Nirjala Ekadashi |
Ashaad (आषाढ) -> June–July | Yogini Ekadashi | Shayani Ekadashi |
Shraavana (श्रावण) -> July–August | Kamika Ekadashi | Putrada Ekadashi |
Bhadrapada (भाद्रपद) -> August–September | Ajaa Ekadashi | Padhaa Ekadashi |
Ashvin (अश्विन्) -> September–October | Indira Ekadashi | Paashunkushaa Ekadashi |
Kartik (कार्तिक) -> October–November | Rama Ekadashi | Prabodhini Ekadashi |
Margashirsha (मार्गशीर्ष) -> November–December | Utpanna Ekadashi | Mokshada Ekadasi |
Pausha (पौष) -> December–January | Saphala Ekadashi | Putrada Ekadashi |
Maagha (माघ) -> January–February | Shatila Ekadashi | Jaya Ekadashi |
Phalguna (फाल्गुन) -> February–March | Vijaya Ekadasi | Amalaki Ekadashi |
Adika Month (अधिक या पुरुषोतम मास) (Once in 2–3 Years) | Parama Ekadashi | Padmini Visuddha Ekadas |
Ekadashi Dates for 2012: January 5th, 19th; February 3rd, 18th; March 4th, 18th; April 3rd, 17th; May 2nd, 16th; June 1st, 15th, 30th; July 14th, 29th; August 13th, 27th; September 12th, 26th; October 11th, 25th; November 10th, 24th; December 10th, 23rd.
Read Ekadashi Katha, Its importance, Vrat Vidhi, Vrat Udhyapn & all Ekadashi Katha’s in detail. Download this pdf document & read the all about Ekadashi Vrat or Ekadasi Upvaas vidhi, all ekadashis names and pooja vidhi and stories in Hindi >> Ekadashi Vrat Katha and Importance
Utpanna Ekadashi Vrat Katha
Goddess Ekadashi killing Demon Mura
In Satya Yuga, there was an awful Demon namedMura. Mura was extremely powerful and awful. With his extraordinary powers Mura defeated not only God Indra but also many other Gods and stared rulingIndra Loka. To end the tyranny of Mura all Gods went to Lord Shiva to seek some help. Lord Shiva suggested them to approach Lord Vishnu, the master of all three Lokas.
Lord Vishnu decided to defeat Demon Mura to help Gods. Lord Vishnu and Gods reached Chandravati, the ruling city of Mura. Lord Vishnu was at one side and Demon Mura with all his army was at the other side. As story goes, Lord Vishnu annihilated whole army of Mura with His Sudarshan Chakra and the divine Gada but all His weaponry proved ineffective in front of Demon Mura power. Neither His Sudarshan Chakra nor His Gada was able to cut the head and break the neck of Demon Mura.
The prolonged battle converted into Malla Yuddha (मल्लयुद्ध), one to one fight without any weaponry. It is believed that the fight between Lord Vishnu and Mura continued for 10,000 years. On seeing no end to this endless battle Lord Vishnu stopped fighting and went to Badrikashram to take rest at Hemvati Caves.
Demon Mura chased Lord Vishnu and reached Badrikashram. Demon Mura found Lord Vishnu sleeping and thought it to be a great opportunity to kill Lord Vishnu. To counter attack such a devilish feeling inside Demon Mura, a powerful girl was born out of divine body of Lord Vishnu. The girl was glorious, powerful and adorned with all sorts of weaponry to protect Lord Vishnu. This feminine power of Lord Vishnu defeated Mura in the fight and killed him after putting Her leg on his chest and cutting his head.
All Gods started praising the girl for Her extraordinary power. When Lord Vishnu awoke, He was unaware about His own power and insisted the girl to introduce herself. The girl introduced herself as the luster of Lord Vishnu itself who was born out of Yoga Maya of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu was extremely pleased with His feminine power and asked Her to seek any reward in return for the great work.
The girl asked "Please bestow me the power so that anyone who observes the fasting for me would get rid of all sort of sins and get salvation. Please bless me so that I become the most significant among all pilgrimages and able to bestow Dharma, Dhanya and Moksha to my devotees."
Lord Vishnu blessed the girl and told "You would be known as Ekadashi as you were born on Ekadashi Tithi. You would be worshipped in all Yugas not only by humans but also by Gods. Nothing else would please me more than Ekadashi fasting. Your devotees will enjoy all sorts of worldly pleasure and would get salvation at the end of their life."
Lord Vishnu decided to defeat Demon Mura to help Gods. Lord Vishnu and Gods reached Chandravati, the ruling city of Mura. Lord Vishnu was at one side and Demon Mura with all his army was at the other side. As story goes, Lord Vishnu annihilated whole army of Mura with His Sudarshan Chakra and the divine Gada but all His weaponry proved ineffective in front of Demon Mura power. Neither His Sudarshan Chakra nor His Gada was able to cut the head and break the neck of Demon Mura.
The prolonged battle converted into Malla Yuddha (मल्लयुद्ध), one to one fight without any weaponry. It is believed that the fight between Lord Vishnu and Mura continued for 10,000 years. On seeing no end to this endless battle Lord Vishnu stopped fighting and went to Badrikashram to take rest at Hemvati Caves.
Demon Mura chased Lord Vishnu and reached Badrikashram. Demon Mura found Lord Vishnu sleeping and thought it to be a great opportunity to kill Lord Vishnu. To counter attack such a devilish feeling inside Demon Mura, a powerful girl was born out of divine body of Lord Vishnu. The girl was glorious, powerful and adorned with all sorts of weaponry to protect Lord Vishnu. This feminine power of Lord Vishnu defeated Mura in the fight and killed him after putting Her leg on his chest and cutting his head.
All Gods started praising the girl for Her extraordinary power. When Lord Vishnu awoke, He was unaware about His own power and insisted the girl to introduce herself. The girl introduced herself as the luster of Lord Vishnu itself who was born out of Yoga Maya of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu was extremely pleased with His feminine power and asked Her to seek any reward in return for the great work.
The girl asked "Please bestow me the power so that anyone who observes the fasting for me would get rid of all sort of sins and get salvation. Please bless me so that I become the most significant among all pilgrimages and able to bestow Dharma, Dhanya and Moksha to my devotees."
Lord Vishnu blessed the girl and told "You would be known as Ekadashi as you were born on Ekadashi Tithi. You would be worshipped in all Yugas not only by humans but also by Gods. Nothing else would please me more than Ekadashi fasting. Your devotees will enjoy all sorts of worldly pleasure and would get salvation at the end of their life."
Ekadashi Food | Ekadasi Food
Devotees can decide the type of Ekadashi fasting during Sankalp according to their will power and physical strength. In religious texts four types of Ekadashi fasting has been mentioned.
1. Jalahar (जलाहर) i.e. Ekadashi fasting with only water. Most devotees observer this fasting during Nirjala Ekadashi. However devotees can observe it on all Ekadashi fasting.
2. Ksheerbhoji (क्षीरभोजी) i.e. Ekadashi fasting on Ksheer. Ksheer refers to milk and milky juice of plants. But in Ekadashi context it should be all products made of milk.
3. Phalahari (फलाहारी) i.e. Ekadashi fasting on fruits only. One should consume only high class of fruits like mango, grapes, banana, almond, and pistachios etc. and should not eat leafy vegetables.
4. Naktabhoji (नक्तभोजी) i.e. having single meal in a day just before sunset. Single meal should not have any variety of grains and cereals including beans, wheat, rice and pulses which are forbidden during Ekadashi fasting.
Staple diet for Naktabhoji during Ekadashi fasting includes Sabudana,Singhada (Water caltrop and also known as Chestnut), Shakarkandi,Potatoes and Groundnuts.
For many Kuttu Atta (BuckWheat Flour) and Samak (Millet Rice) is also staple diet during single Ekadashi meal. However validity of both items as Ekadashi food is debatable as those are considered semi-grains or pseudo grains. It is better to avoid these items during fasting.
1. Jalahar (जलाहर) i.e. Ekadashi fasting with only water. Most devotees observer this fasting during Nirjala Ekadashi. However devotees can observe it on all Ekadashi fasting.
2. Ksheerbhoji (क्षीरभोजी) i.e. Ekadashi fasting on Ksheer. Ksheer refers to milk and milky juice of plants. But in Ekadashi context it should be all products made of milk.
3. Phalahari (फलाहारी) i.e. Ekadashi fasting on fruits only. One should consume only high class of fruits like mango, grapes, banana, almond, and pistachios etc. and should not eat leafy vegetables.
4. Naktabhoji (नक्तभोजी) i.e. having single meal in a day just before sunset. Single meal should not have any variety of grains and cereals including beans, wheat, rice and pulses which are forbidden during Ekadashi fasting.
Staple diet for Naktabhoji during Ekadashi fasting includes Sabudana,Singhada (Water caltrop and also known as Chestnut), Shakarkandi,Potatoes and Groundnuts.
For many Kuttu Atta (BuckWheat Flour) and Samak (Millet Rice) is also staple diet during single Ekadashi meal. However validity of both items as Ekadashi food is debatable as those are considered semi-grains or pseudo grains. It is better to avoid these items during fasting.
Om Jai Ekadashi is the most famous Aarti of Ekadashi Mata. This famous Aarti of Ekadashi Mata is recited mostly on Ekadashi Day.
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