Wednesday, 26 October 2016


Description: This article provides information about how various festivals are celebrated during Diwali.


Diwali is celebrated on four consecutive days – the thirteenth (Dhanatrayodashi), the fourteenth (Narak Chaturdashī) and the new moon day (Amāvasyā – Lakshmīpūjān) of the dark fortnight of Āshwin and the first day of the bright fortnight of Kārtik (Balipratipadā). In this article, we will explain how the various days of Diwali are to be celebrated.
Before the festival of Diwali begins, the twelfth day of the dark fortnight of Āshwin is celebrated as Vasubâras or Govatsa dvâdashî. This day is also celebrated as Gurudvâdashî.

Vasubâras (Govatsa dvâdashî)

In a legend, it is mentioned that from the Great Churning of the ocean (samudramanthan) five wish-fulfilling cows (kâmadhenûs) emerged. Among these five wish-fulfilling cows, a divine cow Nandâ had also emerged. This vowed religious observance is performed to worship this divine cow Nandâ. On this day, married women (soubhâgyava¬tîs) undertake a fast partaking of only one meal, and either in the morning or evening; worship an embellished cow and her calf.


On this day the disciples worship their Guru.
Although Vasubâras and Gurudvâdashî are included as a part of Diwali celebrations; but these are altogether different festivals.

Dhanatrayodashī (or Dhanteras) (first Day of Deepavali)

This day is celebrated in 3 different ways as described below:
Dhan means that aspect due to which our life runs smoothly. Dhanteras is very important for business men, who worship their treasuries on this day. Their commercial year is from Diwali to next year’s Diwali. They consider this day to be a beginning of a new accounting year for their business.

Dhanvantari jayanti

Deity Dhanvantari is one of the twenty four Incarnations of Deity Vishnu. He has four hands like Deity Vishnu, which carry Sudarshan Chakra, Conch, Jalouka and pot of Amrut (Nectar). Deity Dhanvantari is the founder of Āyurvēda.
According to the Āyurvēda, the birthday of the Deity Dhanvantari falls on this day. Āyurvēdic doctors (vaidyas) worship Him on this day. They give prāsad (Holy food item) of small pieces of neem leaves and sugar to the visitors. This has great significance because the neem fruit has originated from Divine Nectar (Amrut) and Dhanvantari is the Deity who bestows immortality. It is said that if one chews five to six neem leaves everyday then the likelihood of suffering from any disease is highly unlikely. One should pray to Deity Dhanvantari for the effectiveness of the medicine before taking medicines.

Preparing prasad of neem leaves

  1. A few flowers of neem
  2. 10-12 tenderleaves of neem
  3. 4 spoons soaked chana daal or soaked chana
  4. 1 spoon honey
  5. 1 spoon jeera
  6. Pinch of Asafoetida
Mix all the above ingredients in a bowl and add salt to taste. Then grind it till it becomes a soft paste. Then we offer it to God and pray with devotion that God partakes this Naivedya (food item offered to God). Once we have offered it to God we can distribute it to others.


Deity Yama (Yamarāj, Deity of Death) is allotted the task of taking one’s life (prāṇa) away at the destined time. One can never escape death. However, to prevent untimely death, on Dhanatrayodashi, in the evening, thirteen oil lamps made of wheat flour are lit. These lamps are kept outside the house with its flame facing southwards. Usually, a lit lamp’s flame is never kept facing southwards.

Brief ritualistic worship (inside home)

Material required

  1. 13 lamps preferably made of wheat flour (if not possible, one can use clay/earthen lamps)
  2. Vegetable oil (1 litre)
  3. Flowers
  4. Material used for ritualistic worship (puja)


  1. First do aachman – pouring water from the left hand into the right hand with a spoon and drinking the water from the right hand.
  2. Then deshkaal is recited and sankalpa (resolve) is made.
  3. Then the ritualistic worship of the lamps is done. A flower is offered to each lamp and then Obeisance is offered to the lamps.). Then the lamps are taken outside the house and kept on a hard surface facing the South direction. One can keep the lamps in the verandah, parapet wall or front porch of the house on a paved surface. (Caution – Please take care not to keep the lamps near any fire hazards)
After placing the lamp, one should pray as follows – ‘I offer these thirteen lamps to the son of the Sun Deity (Sûrya) so that He liberates me from the clutches of death and bestows His blessings.’ After the prayer we should offer obei¬sance.
If one has difficulty in performing the ritualistic worship, one can place the lamps and make the prayer as given above.
Source: Publication – Holy festivals, Religious festivals and Vowed religious observances, published by Sanatan.
  1. How to celebrate the second Day of Diwali, Narakchaturdashi?
  2. How to celebrate the third Day of Diwali, Lakshmipujan?
  3. How to celebrate the fourth Day of Diwali, Balipratipada?
  4. How to celebrate Bhai Dooj?

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Deepawali Puja Mantras
  1. Govatsa Dwadashi Mantra (गोवत्स द्वादशी मन्त्र)
    • Arghya Mantra
      Govatsa Dwadashi Arghya Mantra
      Kshirodarnavasambhute Surasuranamaskrite।
      Sarvadevamaye Matargrihanarghyam Namo Namah॥
      मन्त्र अर्थ - समुद्र मन्थन के समय क्षीर सागर से उत्पन्न सुर तथा असुरों द्वारा नमस्कार की गई देवस्वरुपिणी माता, आपको बार-बार नमस्कार है। मेरे द्वारा दिए गए इस अर्घ्य को आप स्वीकार करें। 
    • Nivedan Mantra
      Govatsa Dwadashi Nivedan Mantra
      Surabhi Tvam Jaganmatardevi Vishnupade Sthita।
      Sarvadevamaye Grasam Maya Dattamidam Grasa॥
      मन्त्र अर्थ - हे जगदम्बे! हे स्वर्गवासिनी देवी! हे सर्वदेवमयी! आप मेरे द्वारा दिए इस अन्न को ग्रहण करें। 
    • Prarthana Mantra
      Govatsa Dwadashi Prarthana Mantra
      Sarvadevamaye Devi Sarvadevairalankrite।
      Matarmamabhilashitam Saphalam Kuru Nandini॥
      मन्त्र अर्थ - हे समस्त देवताओं द्वारा अलङ्कृत माता! नन्दिनी! मेरा मनोरथ पुर्ण करो। 
      1. Yamadeep Mantra (यमदीप मन्त्र)
        Yamadeep Mantra
        Mrityuna Pashadandabhyam Kalen Shyamaya Saha।
        Trayodashyam Dipadanatsuryajah Priyatam Mama॥
        मन्त्र अर्थ - त्रयोदशी पर यह दीप मैं सूर्यपुत्र को अर्थात् यमदेवता को अर्पित करता हूँ। मृत्यु के पाश से वे मुझे मुक्त करें और मेरा कल्याण करें। 
        Mantra Translation - On Trayodashi I offer this lamp to the son of Sun, that is, Yamadeva. May He free me from the noose of death and look after my welfare. 
      2. Abhyang Snan Mantra (अभ्यंग स्नान मन्त्र)
        Abhyang Snan Mantra
        Sitaloshtasamayukta Sakantakadalanvita।
        Hara Papamapamarga Bhramyamanah Punah Punah॥
        मन्त्र अर्थ - जोती हुई भूमि की मिट्टी, काँटे तथा पत्तों से युक्त, हे अपामार्ग, आप मेरे पाप दूर कीजिए। 
        Mantra Translation - O prickly chaff-flower plant, consisting of mud of tilled land, thorns and leaves; obliterate my sins. 
      3. Narak Chaturdashi Deepdan Mantra (नरक चतुर्दशी दीपदान मन्त्र)
        Narak Chaturdashi Deepdan Mantra
        Datto Dipashchaturdashyam Narakapritaye Maya।
        Chaturvartisamayuktah Sarvapapapanuttaye॥
        मन्त्र अर्थ - आज चतुर्दशी के दिन नरक के अभिमानी देवता की प्रसन्नता के लिए तथा समस्त पापों के विनाश के लिए मैं चार बत्तियों वाला चौमुखा दीप अर्पित करता हूँ। 
        Mantra Translation - On this Chaturdashi day, for the appeasement of the Deity of Hell and for obliteration of all sins I offer this four faced, four wicks lamp. 
      4. Lakshmi Mantra (लक्ष्मी मन्त्र)
        Diwali Deepotsav
        Shri Lakshmi Ganesha Puja during Diwali
        Lakshmi Mantra
        Om Hreem Shreem Lakshmyai Namah॥
        मन्त्र अर्थ - हे धन और सम्पत्ति की देवी लक्ष्मी, आपको मेरा नमस्कार है। 
        Mantra Translation - I salute Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and Prosperity. 
      5. Bali Namaskar Mantra (बलि नमस्कार मन्त्र)
        Balinamaskar Mantra
        Baliraja Namastubhyam Daityadanavavandita।
        Indrashatroamararate Vishnusannidhyado Bhava॥
        Balimuddishya Diyante Danani Kurunandana।
        Yani Tanyakshayanyahurmayaivam Sampradarshitam॥
        मन्त्र अर्थ - दैत्य तथा दानवों से पूजित हे बलिराज, आपको नमस्कार है। हे इन्द्रशत्रो, हे अमराराते, विष्णु के सानिध्य को देने वाला हो।
        हे कुरुनन्दन, बलि को उद्देश्य कर जो दान दिये जाते हैं वे अक्षय को प्राप्त होते हैं। मैंने इस प्रकार प्रदर्शित किया है। 
      6. Govardhan Mantra (गोवर्धन मन्त्र)
        Govardhan Mantra
        Govardhana Dharadhara Gokulatranakaraka।
        Bahubahukritachchaya Gavam Kotiprado Bhava॥
        मन्त्र अर्थ - पृथ्वी को धारण करनेवाले गोवर्धन! आप गोकुल के रक्षक हैं। भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने आपको भुजाओं में उठाया था। आप मुझे करोडों गौएं प्रदान करें। 
        Mantra Translation - O, Govardhana, Who supports Earth! You are the protector of Gokul. Bhagawan Shri Krishna had lifted You on His arms. Bestow crores of cows on me. 
      7. Gau Mantra (गौ मन्त्र)
        Gau Mantra
        Lakshmirya Lokapalanam Dhenurupena Samsthita।
        Ghritam Vahati Yagyarthe Mama Papam Vyapohatu॥
        मन्त्र अर्थ - धेनुरूप में विद्यमान जो लोकपालों की साक्षात लक्ष्मी हैं तथा जो यज्ञ के लिए घी देती हैं, वह गौ माता मेरे पापों का नाश करें। 
        Mantra Translation - O cow, who is Lakshmi Herself in the form of a cow and who bestows ghee for yadnyas, obliterate my sins. 
      8. Yama Dwitiya Mantra (यम द्वितीय मन्त्र)
        Yama Dwitiya Mantra
        Ehyehi Martandaja Pashahasta Yamantakalokadharamaresha।
        Bhratridwitiyakritadevapujam Grihana Charghyam Bhagawannamostu Te॥
        मन्त्र अर्थ - हे मार्तण्डज - सूर्य से उत्पन्न हुए, हे पाशहस्त - हाथ में पाश धारण करने वाले, हे यम, हे अन्तक, हे लोकधर, हे अमरेश, भातृद्वितीया में की हुई देवपूजा और अर्घ्य को ग्रहण करो। हे भगवन् आपको नमस्कार है। 
      9. Margapali Mantra (मार्गपालि मन्त्र)
        Margapali Mantra
        Margapali Namastestu Sarvalokasukhaprade।
        Vidheyaih Putradaradyaih Punarehi Vratasya Me॥
        मन्त्र अर्थ - हे सर्व प्राणिमात्र को सुख देनेवाली मार्गपाली, आपको मेरा नमस्कार है। पुत्र, पत्नी इत्यादि द्वारा आपको पिरोया है। मेरे कात के लिए पुन: एक बार आपका आगमन हो। 
        Mantra Translation - O festoon on the road, bestowing happiness to all living beings, I pay obeisance to you. Do come again for my vowed religious observance (vrat). 
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